Lectures, courses, and seminars in former terms
Winter Term 2020/21:
- Lecture Mathemaical Statistics
- Introductory seminar BUCH der Beweise (Proofs from THE BOOK)
- Practical Exercises in Stochastics
Summer Term 2020:
- Computational Finance
- Lecture Stochastik für Studierende der Informatik (Stochastics for students of computer sciences)
- Introductory seminar Spieltheorie (Game Theory)
- Practical Exercises in Stochastics
Winter Term 2019/20:
- Lecture Mathematische Statistik (Mathematical Statistics)
- Lecture Erweiterung der Analysis (Extensions in Analysis)
- Practical Exercises in Stochastics
Summer Term 2019:
- Lecture Stochastische Integration und Finanzmathematik (Stochastic Integration and Financial Mathematics)
- Lecture Stochastik für Studierende der Informatik (Stochastics for students of computer sciences)
- Practical Exercises in Stochastics
Winter Term 2018/19:
- Lecture Stochastische Prozesse (Stochastic Processes)
- Practical Exercises in Stochastics
- Support for the lecture Mathematische Statistik (apl. Prof. Tappe)
- Support for the lecture Erweiterung der Analysis (Prof. Pfaffelhuber)
Summer Term 2018:
- Lecture Stochastik für Studierende der Informatik (Stochastics for students of computer sciences)
- Computational Finance
- Practical Exercises in Stochastics
Winter Term 2017/18:
- Lecture Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie (Probability Theory)
- Computational Finance
- Lecture Mehrfachintegrale (Multiple Integrals)
Summer Term 2017:
- Lecture Stochastik (second part of the two-term course)
- Seminar "BUCH der Beweise" (Proofs from THE BOOK)
- Support for the lecture Mathematik II für Studierende des Ingenieurwesens (Prof. Pfaffelhuber)
- Support for the lecture Stochastik für Studierende der Informatik (JProf. Harms)
Winter Term 2016/17:
- Lecture Stochastik (first part of the two-term course)
- Support for the Proseminar Biomathematik (Prof. Pfaffelhuber)
- Support for the Master-Seminar Stochastik (Prof. Schmidt)