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08.02.2023 Nils Kornacker: Aktuelle Zustandsdaten mit konkurrierenden Risiken: Konsistenz und Grenzverteilung des MLEs



09.12.2022 Diyora Salimova: Deep neural network approximations for PDEs
18.11.2022 Timo Enger: A unified framework for limit results in chemical reaction networks on multiple time-scales
04.11.2022 Sebastian Stroppel: Grenzwertaussagen in Chemischen Reaktionsnetzwerke
28.10.2022 Schülertage der Mathematik am Mathematischen Institut - Finanzmathematik und ML sind mit dabei!
01.08.2022 Thorsten Schmidt ist Mitglied im Rat der Bachelier Finance Society
07.07.2022 Das Projekt LeanAI wird von der Vector-Stiftung gefördert.
01.05.2022 Conference on the Interplay between Insurance and Finance, May 2022 in Lisbon.
14.04.2022  Open PhD Position in the ReScale Project
01.04.2022  Prof. Schmidt hat mit Kollegen einen  Grant der Carl-Zeiss Stiftung eingeworben ReScale.
Katharina Oberpriller: Uncertainty in Credit Risk
21.-26.06.2021 Online Workshop on Stochastic Analysis and Hermite Sobolev Spaces
05.05.2020 Interview mit Prof. Schmidt im MathFinance newsletter.
09.04.2020 The FPWZ Seminar takes place online at 9th of April.
16.03.2020 Unser Kollege Jens Timmer forscht zur Ausbreitungsdynamik der Corona-Epidemie
11.-13.03.2020 Workshop: Statistical Foundations for Evolving Networks, March 11th - 13th, Freiburg
 31.01.2020  Raquel Gaspar: Design risk of Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance
06.12.2019 Hanna Sophia Wutte (ETH Zürich): How implicit regularization of Neural Networks affects the learned function
Johannes Müller: Universal flow approximation with deep residual networks ; Raumänderung nach 232
14/15.11.2019 Konferenz Insurance and Finance am FRIAS
07.11.2019 Dr. Lukas Gonon: Dynamic learning based on random recurrent neural networks and reservoir computing systems
27.06.2019 5th Workshop at FRIAS
27.06.2019 Stephane Crépey: XVA analysis from the balance sheet
27.06.2019 Anna Rita Bacinello: The impact of longevity risk and contractural heterogeneity on the fail valuation of a life insurance portfolio
27.06.2019 Mitja Stadje: On time-consistent and market-consistent evaluations
27.06.2019 Thorsten Schmidt: A fundamental theorem of insurance valuation
27.06.2019 Stefan Tappe: Mortality-interest rate term structures
24.06.2019 Ben Deitmar: Funktionale Grenzwertsätze für geglättete Empirische Prozesse
17.06.2019 Christa Cuchiero von der WU Wien gewinnt den START Preis
03.05.2019 Benedikt Geuchen: Pfadabhängige Funktionale und nichtlineare affine Prozess
29.04.2019 Michaela Freitag: Stammbäume und ihr Einfluss auf genetische Genealogien
16.04.2019 Prof. Steven Kou (Boston University): A Theory of FinTech
04.04.2019 Benedikt Köpfer: Comparison of stochastic processes by Markov projection and functional Itô calculus
03.04.2019 Roman Haak: Algebraische Strukturen stochastischer Integrale und ihre Anwendungen
26.03.2019 Lars Niemann: Nichtlineare Phänomene in der Finanzmathematik
14.03.2019 Jonathan Ansari: Risk bounds in partially specified factor models
07.03.2019 Felix Hermann: On Dualities of Random Graphs and Branching Processes with Disasters to Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes
18.02.2019 Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Statistical Uncertainty Quantification
08.02.2019 Elisabeth Pröhl: Existence and Uniqueness of Recursive Equilibria with Aggregate and Idiosyncratic Risk
07.02.2019 Vorbesprechung des Bachelorseminar der Stochastik 07.02.2019, 10:00 Uhr Raum 232, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
05.02.2019 Workshop of the Freiburg-Strasbourg Research Group with Hans-Jörg Albrecher
09.11.2018 Dr. Lukas Steinberger: Statistical estimation under differential privacy constraints
08.11.2018 Thorsten Schmidt: Deep Hedging. MathFinance Flow event, Frankfurt
23.10.2018 Lars Niemann: Konsistente Erwartungen und Arbitrage
02.10.2018 5th meeting of the Freiburg-Strasbourg Research group at FRIAS
06.07.2018 Prof. Dr. Eckhard Platen (University of Technology, Sydney): Towards Less Expensive Production in Insurance and for Pensions
01.-04.7.2018 The 10th Freiburg-Wien-Zürich Seminar takes place at Wolfgangsee, Austria.
18.06.2018 The Research School in Financial Mathematics will take place in Ibadan, Nigeria, from June 18 to 23, 2018. Dr. Tolulope Fadina from our Department is co-organizing this research school in Nigeria.
12.06.2018 Video on Youtube of Rama Cont's talk on Universal Price Formations on Financial Markets: A perspective from Machine Learning (May 2018, Freiburg).
12.06.2018 Video on Youtube of fields medallist Wendelin Werner's talk on the (quantum) disk as patchwork of (quantum) disks (Feb 2018, GPSD Freiburg).
17.05.2018 Prof. Rama Cont (Imperial College London):
Universal Features of Price Formation in Financial Markets: Perspectives From Deep Learning
17.05.2018 Prof. Akihiro Kanamori (Boston University): Ernst Zermelo, Freiburg and Set Theory
14.05.2018 Workshop at FRIAS on model risk and robust finance, May 14 - May 18, 2018.
13.03.2018 Mathematics Day am FRIAS
08.03.2018 Prof. B. Rajeev: Translation invariant diffusions : Some examples and applications
27.02.2018 Stochastiktage 2018 in Freiburg
26.01.2018 Prof. Dr. Johanna F. Ziegel: Higher Order Elicitability
2nd Workshop of the Freiburg-Strasbourg Research Group with Laura Ballotta and Rudi Zagst
12.12.2017 Weijun Yu wurde am 12. Dezember promoviert zu dem Thema: Infinite-dimensional affine models under incomplete information
Dr. Christiane Fuchs: Understanding Biological Processes using Stochastic Modelling
Prof. David Siegmund: Detection and Estimation of Local Signals
24.11.2017 Dr. Michael Hoffmann: On Detecting Changes in the Jumps of Arbitrary Size of a Time-Continuous Stochastic Process
03.11.2017 30 Jahre Datenanalyse und Modellbildung in Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Ferrando: Trajectorial Models based on Operational Assumptions
19.10.2017 Prof. Dr. Anita Winter: Algebraic Trees Versus Metric Trees as States of Stochastic Processes
12.10.2017 First Workshop of the Freiburg-Strasbourg Research Group on Financial and Actuarial Mathematics
04.10.2017 Workshop im Rahmen des DFG-Schwerpunktprogrammes "Probabilistic Structures in Evolution"
28.08.2017 Maria Fernanda del Carmen Agoitia Hurtado wurde am 24. August promoviert zu dem Thema:
Time-inhomogeneous polynomial processes in electricity spot price models
14.07.2017 Prof. Juan-Pablo Ortega: Time-delay reservoir computers: nonlinear stability of functional differential systems and optimal nonlinear information processing capacity. Applications to stochastic nonlinear time series forecasting
12.07.2017 Dr. Raghid Zeineddine: Fractional Brownian motion in Brownian time: stochastic calculus and related limit theorems
07.07.2017 Thorsten Schmidt: Risiko und Chance: Stochastik in der Anwendung
27.06.2017 Hans Bühler: Deep Statistical Hedging
Prof. Dr. Thomas Brox: Deep Learning
17.05.2017 FRIAS Fellowship for Ernst Eberlein and Thorsten Schmidt
12.05.2017 Prof. Dr. Holger Dette: Statistical Methodology for Comparing Curves
09.05.2017 Thorsten Schmidt: Incomplete Information in Finance
28.04.2017 Dr. Johannes Lederer: A General Framework for Uncovering Dependence Networks
24.04.2017 Dr. Blanka Horvath: Short-Time Near-the-Money Skew in Rough Fractional Stochastic Volatility Models
31.03.2017 Anmeldeschluss des Seminar: Empirical Analysis of Stock Markets
10.02.2017 Prof. Dr. Christoph Becker: Value, Size, Momentum and the Average Correlation of Stock Returns
02.02.2017 Prof. Dr. Moritz Diehl: Nonlinear Optimization Methods for Model Predictive Control of Mechatronic Systems
11.01.2017 Blockseminar: Challenges in Financial Markets
02.12.2016 JProf. Dr. Philipp Harms: Shape Analysis: Infinite-Dimensional Geometry, Statistics on Manifolds, and Applications
13.10.2016 Prof. Damir Filipovic: Replicating Portfolio Approach to Capital Calculation
09.06.2016 Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Frey: Optimal Liquidation Under Partial Information and Market Impact
03.06.2016 Prof. Dr. Ludger Overbeck: Capital Allocation for Dynamic Risk Measures
06.05.2016 Sebastian Bossert: Competing Selective Sweeps
12.02.2016 Workshop on Recent Developments in Finance, Risk Theory and Stochastic Analysis in honor of Ludger Rüschendorf
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schmidt: Von der Praxis in die Theorie der Finanzmathematik: Eine sprunghafte Angelegenheit
19.06.2015 Prof. Dr. Stefan Weber: Measures of Systemic Risk
20.05.2015 Advanced Modelling in Mathematical Finance,  A conference in honour of Ernst Eberlein
30.01.2015 Festkolloquium anlässlich des 80. Geburtstags unseres Ehrendoktors Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Albert N. Shiryaev
23.01.2015  Prof. Dr. Jörg Rahnenführer: Statistical Analysis of Modern Sequencing Data – Quality Control, Modelling and Interpretation
05.12.2014 Dr. Pavel Gapeev: Risk Sensitive Utility Indifference Pricing of Perpetual American Options Under Fixed Transaction Costs
17.10.2014 Workshop on Risk and Regulation
27.08.2013 Workshop on Optimality of Payoffs and Risk Aggregation
21.05.2013 Arc Conjectandi, a Celebration of 300 Years of Stochastics
15.03.2012 Conference on Liquidity and Credit Risk
28.04.2011 Workshop on Optimal Stopping, Sequential Methods and Related Topics
2007 550. Universitätsjubiläum
27.04.2007 Gauß Vorlesung
27.02.2007 Ausstellung "Mathematik zum Anfassen"
14.07.2006 Workshop Mathematical Finance
21.06.2002 Festkolloquium anlässlich des 75. Geburtstags von Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hermann Witting
02.11.2001 Festkolloquium aus Anlass der Ehrenpromotion von Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.  Albert N. Shiryaev


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